CSTS Subscription Reminder
According to our records, your subscription to the Society for the programme year 2017-18, which was due in September, has not yet been paid.
Although a reminder email has been sent, I have not yet had a response form you.
If I have not heard back from you or subscription paid by February 9th 2018, I will assume that you no longer wish to be a member of the society and we will be sorry
to lose you. However, your details will be kept on file and of course you may rejoin or attend as a guest at any time.
Would you please, either:
- forward me a cheque payable to CSTS
- arrange BACS payment (please let me know by email)
- set up a standing order form with first payment payable now and subsequent payments payable on 1st September annually
If you have decided not to renew your membership, we are very sorry to lose you; would you please kindly let me know so that I can update our records? You will always be welcome at future meetings for a nominal guest payment.
Details for BACS payments and a standing order form can be found in the attachment.
Many thanks
Audrey Hateley