The Science Behind Creating the Best Pint - the Role & Evolution of Yeast in Brewing

Tim O'Rourke
Tim O'Rourke
Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025 7:30 pm
Timothy O’Rourke BA; DMS; MIBrew
Beer Sommelier; Certified Cicerone Director, Brilliant Beer Company; Fellow of the Institute of Brewing & Distilling


& CSTS Zoom Channel ID 912 0723 6181

Market Place, Cirencester GL7

Royal Agricultural University - Sir Emrys Jones Lecture Theatre

Sir Emrys Jones Lecture Theatre, RAU, Cirencester GL7 6JS


I am a professional Brewer and Beer Writer with over 50 years’ experience in both large and small scale breweries and a particular interest in Brewing Science. I have been involved in educating thousands of Brewers from around the world to prepair them for the professional brewing exams set by the Institute of Brewing and Distilling.

I like to keep “my hand in” and still actively brew and work as a consultant providing technical support to various brewers including Stroud Brewery.

Synopsis of the presentation to CSTS, 12th February

 “The Role and Evolution of Yeast in  Brewing

Invisible to the human eye, yeast has had a major impact on humans for thousands of years helping us to raise bread, making it more digestable, producing alcohol, which makes us happy, and improving our health as a probiotic and a source of vitamins. Yeast “our invisible partner” was our first domesticated organism, although it adopted us without us knowing.

The presentation will look at how yeast has evolved and specialised in fermenting brewers wort. The genetic and biochemical changes it has made to adapt to this new enviroment. It is the mainstay for a multi billion dollar fermentation industry around the world.

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